Saturday, October 14, 2006

I had an idea for a simple comic strip yesterday and when I went to draw it out, someone distracted me. i got another idea since then. It's good. it's funny, too. My nephew learned how to walk some time ago. It was a major event capured on video, but what my sister and her husband didn't expect to doccument forever in the halls of home movies, was Elijah discovering that walking is only made more complex by the organ hanging between his legs. When i said that to myself, i had an image in my head of a full grown man with organ pipes sprouting from his crotch, making it entirely impossible for him to touch his feet to the ground.
Anyway, in the video Elijah takes a few steps, two or three, then his hands fall right to his penis, he looks down and without changing his gaze, falls on his butt, aparently forgetting where he was walking to. The thing in his hands was very interesting and he didn't have to walk anywhere to play with it. Then someoen would call t ohim and he'd get up to walk again. It was like he wanted to show his parents what he had just found. So he excitedly took a few steps and reached for his toy to give to Ann. But then he was distracted again.
The body language that came with the display was incredibly masculine in comparrison to the Elijah I took care of just weeks prior to the event. At one point he was clearly beating his chest. He looked almost, dare I say, cocky as he took his short strut halfway to the other side of the room. The realization of his penis's dangling abilities sent him into machismo land, where there is no room for babies.


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