Saturday, October 14, 2006

I recognized the way a certain man looked at me. I am an employee. Duh. I have a tag with my name on it hanging from my neck. He was looking at the magazines. Then he looked up over the displays to catch my location. His face had something written on it in black letters as if another store owner seared the word on his brain. Thief. Still, I wasn't sure he was a thief until my boss told me, "We just had a visit from our clothes robber."I said, "Oh, who was it?" She said, "There wa sno way for me to point him out to you. But he's a white guy and..." "Was he wearing a lot of Michigan clothes?" "Yeah. that was him. He'll change his appearance next time he comes in here. He won't have the hat on and he'll be wearing a different shirt. But you'll recognize him."
He asked me if we were out of the Detroit News. That paper only costs 50 cents. But he was probably shoveing candy into his poskets while I told him, "We must be if it's not there. I stocked it today." Then he grabbed a free magazine called "Michigan in a Nutshell" and said goodbuy. I wonder what he took with him.


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