Monday, October 09, 2006

I have a tendancy to forget things. For example, today I'm going to class with no recollection of what the assignment due today is. I'll be there in twenty minutes empty handed. I also forgot to check in the video recorder which was due back Friday. And, although I thought about what I would do for my costuming course workshop, I left behind the items I would need in class. I have a plan on how to work out all these glitches, but still... It would be nice if I simply didn't have these issues.
I forget things in public places so often. I've left my purse hanging off the back of my chair in a fw restaurants. I lost my camera because i left it on the curb when I was climbing into a car. I once left behind a small bag containing my new perscription glasses, a rented digital cameera with all it's wires, my wallet, and my cell phone. It turned up in the lost and found. As did the plastic bag of fabric scraps, sewing supplies, and my finished project for costume class. I also lost my portfolio because i forgot to take it off the bus with me one day on the way to school. It was in the lost and found, too.

I like the lost and found.

I wish there could be a lost and found for sounds. Sometimes, people talk but you just can't hear what they say. And it would be good if whoever heard the message could just pass it along to the lost and found where I could pick it up at my earliest convenience.


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