Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Mark still hasn't taken me out. He was going to take me to breakfast earlier but we both slept too late. Then he was going to take me to dinner, but he called after I'd already eaten. He was planning on taking me out tonight, but he didn't really have time in the grand scheme of things. So he's putting it off again. We'll go out and make a big thing of it Sunday night if he can finally get it together. Collin and Alex went to Canada together this weekend and Collin spent a shitload of money. But I bet their trip sucked. So I don't envy Alex. She has to sleep with Collin, eww.

I was thinking about what I've come to expect from Mark and how I want him to excede expectations. The thing is... Mark doesn't spend a lot of time with me. I've felt like I don't get much out of him because he is so drained from school. But the flip side is, next to school, he devotes most of his time to me. I'm second to school work, but I wouldn't want a lazy boyfriend who fails classes because he's too busy fucking his girlfriend.


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