Monday, October 23, 2006

Hello. My name is JOE. And I work in a betton factory. I've got a

My sister hates it when people say "have got" in any sort of abreviation. I am not so bothered by it. I'm bothered more by "your guys's" as in "Where's all your guys's accessories? Don't you care about safety?" The response, though I thought it ideal, didn't work as it shou;d have. Not on this pile of rocks. The conversation continued, "Naw, we like to like dangerously."
"Well, that aside, you shou; dreally look into our sale prices an features of hands-free cellular headpieces. We have a variety and our chordless accessries are all on sale right now." There was no avoiding his sales pitch. But the people still didn't buy and accessories. I did. But I had a different sales person.


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