Thursday, October 26, 2006

Every time I hear a pop techno song, the kind with a girl singing to her boyfriend or whatever about how great he is for her, and the song is really just a simply harmony beeped out with computer made sounds, I think about Alex. It's probably not a good thing. Anyway, there is one song in particular that used to be a not pop techno song, that has this effect immediately. With just the intro, my memmory flashes back to highschool sophomore summer when i was in Boulder, riding in Alex's car after work. We made out one time before he dropped me at home and the radio was on. He loved that techno shit, and it was playing really loudly, some chick singing with a band of computers about her lover. That time was really good. And when I was getting out of the car, I said so. We both agreed it was probably the techno. So we tried playing techno all the time when we made out. But the passion of that song was a one time thing I suppose.
When I got back from Boulder and I missed it all, especially Alex, my friend made me a techno mixed CD. The first song was that same chick singing with teh same computer band about the same lover.
I can't remember any of the words right now except "We're in Heaven"


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