Monday, November 06, 2006

Mark is not here. he's somewhere with his phoen turned off. And he's not here. He's somewhere else and certainly not here. ANd I'm afraid his housemate and his girlfriend will have sex. Actually, it sounds quiet over there so I'm fairly confident they skipped that tonight. Anyway, I'm trying to get past that fear. I get really squeemish about other people I know having sex, these two in particular, but I have loud sex which they overhear frequently. Carrie says I need to accept that people can be hipocritical, but I think that's too easy. If I'm aware of my hipocricy, it's my duty to at least try to correct the inconsistency.
Anyway, I'm high and tired and clean from my midnight shower and I want o go to sleep. But instead I'm sitting up like a worried mother, paranoid not only about the whereabouts of her loved one, but also paranoid about the teenagers next door and their sexual experimentation.
I'm still excited about my spider charming girl. I might call her Tuesday. The problem with that as a title is that it implies Tuesday as one significant day in teh story, but Tuesday means nothing as far at time goes. And I want teh girl's name to be teh title of the comic. Like ... those other things.

Maybe she can be apple. I wonder how spiders feel about Apples. I like that vein though. Some sort of flower or fruit name might work.

It's after 1:00 and mark is still MIA. Oh where oh where can my baby be? The school took him away from me. He's in doing homework in the Duderstat so I won't see my baby untill he comes back.

I think I shoud; have a small sketchbook. A pocket-sized almost. And with that I may doodle and write and sketch and figure things out. So when I approach large assignments I will have practice done and I'll be prepared for whatever I want to do. I want to go to bed. I'll do that. After I try his cell phone one more time.


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