Saturday, November 04, 2006

I have to go back to work pretty soon. This breaks come and go so quickly. but I want to get out an idea for my next comic. The main character is a girl who is cute and pretty when she's 12, but as she goes through puberty, instead of developing breasts, she develops a bunch of extra npples. that's what she thinks they are. a nd she's really embarrassed by them. Then the nipples grow into stick-like appendages. And she gains mobility in them, but refuses to move them at all. She hates them. And then she hates people because she can't relate to them any longer. So she runs from home and takes shelter in a cave. It turns out that teh cave is infested with spiders. but they are not threatened by her because she doesn't want to move at all. And she doesn't mind them because she feels closer to eight-legged creatures then bipeds. While in teh cave, se becomes so dirty that bugs begin to live on her skin, in her hair, etc. The spiders then come to her body and feast off the bugs which had been irritating her. They develop a simbiotic relationship with this girl, keeping her warm by weaving thick webs around her body and taking shelter in her many apendages. Then she begins to travel. Very slowely. It doesn't look like she's walking, but somehow being pushed along all the same. the spiders stay with her and together, they travel through communities very slowely. When people see her coming with her brigade of spiders, they run. Some try to attack her before she travels into town, but the spiders protect her, killing people if they need to. Most people just stay indoors and seal off their houses, afraid of venemous spiders infiltrating their lives.

So she's going to look totally nasty now...her hair is growing long into a thick train of webbing. And her body is obscured by white mesh and thousands of scurrying spiders. Some of teh spiders are incredibly deathly, but they don't hurt the girl. She becomes a bad luck charm which travels uncontrolably. People site her and report her direction on the news the way reporters track hurricanes. "In a week, the spider charmer will be in DC. Residents should evacuate or seal off their doors and windows as soon as possible."

Anyway, her weakness is that she moves slowely. So in teh end, people construct a large attack method with will come at her quickly with some sort of deathly weapon. She will know it's coming, but she won't move faster, and her spiders won't be ready. But as soon as she is killed, I think by a blade, the spiders reak havok and it ends in tradgedy.


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