Saturday, October 28, 2006

ok, so Claire and her friend Ian, who is really cool, come to my house because they need to use my sewing machine. But sometime between parking and arriving, they found a little cat and it was sweet and cute and pretty and precious and fuzzy and friendly. It was also shy, but really needy. So they ask me if teh co-op can keep a cat and I said no. But I know that no kill animal shelter that can keep a cat. So we went out to find the kitty. Claire took me to where she found it before. It hadn't moved at all. We just mewed a little bit, and teh cat mewed back at us. So we played this game of marko polo for a long time and the kitty followed us all the way to the house accross teh street from mine. But we couldn't have her inching timidly in State St. I was able to pick up the cat once before, but it quickly bound from my arms and was much more difficult to catch thereafter. With some tunafish on a plate, the task became a bit more easy. Claire pounced. I think that's fair. cat's can pounce, so can Claire. Then we got permission to keep the cat overnight in my room. Not that it's such a big request. Lauren held the kitty a while and when she put it down, the cat went straight to the back of the room behind the couch and curled up on top of the radiator in the curtains. We didn't try to move her for three hours. I worked on Ian's costume with my sewing machine and we hung out, forgetting about teh cat except to check on her occasionally. Then we moved the couch she was hiding behind and she hissed at us. By the way, I didn't know it was a girl until the next morning. When we went to sleep, the cat was in the same general area, just a different small nook in the corner by the radiator. At seven she started mewing loudly and consistantly. So I mewed at her too. I thought she wanted food, but she really just wanted attention. So after refilling her tuna plate, we just ignored her. And when I woke up at 10, I mewed at her until she responded and let me know where she was. I found her in another corner under Lauren's bed. So I climbed under and she hissed at me. But then when I left and she followed me out. And we played. And she loved it when I petted her. And she rolled on her back to let me skritch her tummy. And she stayed by me and madeit very difficult to get things done. She even let me pick her up and hold her in my lap. She just purred and curled into a fuzzy adorable ball. I took pictures. She was fucking adorable.

I miss her. Seriously, it would be so nice if I had a kitty to keep me company in my room. Not that I'm lonely. But she liked me best and it made me feel really great. When Claire took her to the shelter in teh morning, I didn't get emotional at all, but when i thought about it at work that afternoon, I just missed the Kitty. I named her Tuesday.


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