Friday, November 03, 2006

Hi hi hi hi hi hi.
I just did a "lesson" on sexual harassment in the work place. It was really educatiobal. I clicked on buttons and listened and read text. And I got 100% on teh quiz at the end. And I got paid to do it. I thought maybe I shou;d take my time, but it seemed silly because I woud; rather just get it over with. There are ten other things I'd rather do, and that includes stocking the school supplies, hanging graduate gowns, and attending the register. hell, I'll even help frustrated students find illusive textbooks. But that video clicky lesson thing was boring.

Over spring break I'm going to be with mark in Colorado. And Ann And Michael will meet him. And I'll see a lot of my newest nephew. And cool. he was pestery today, but I was pestery yesterday so I guess that's just fine. his parents are in town today so I might get a free lunch out of them. whoo hoo. i should call him.

40-45 dead dogs were found piled up in teh detroit animal pound. It's in teh news. It made me fucking sad.


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