Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Today I will finish my comic between classes. Then I will go to Angel Hall directly after class to print out 25 copies of my comic. Then I will go to dinner. Then I will complete my dinner clean. Then I will tincken with my computer until the house meeting. Then meeting, then bed. Then then then then there will be many more things to do in the morning.

As far as finishing my comic goes, I'll need to erase some pencil lines, erase some text messes, try to fix a wash spotch, thicken the line around the thought bubbles on the last page, and scan it all.

Printing is free for the first 400 black and white pages in angel hall, so that's my destination. And it will be fast, Angie said so.

All my art supplies are at Mark's place. All but my eraser, so I have to stop at Mark's and get it all, then go to my place. I like Mark. But because of Mark, I've been having only 4.5 hours of sleep at a time for the last two days.

I had a horrible dream last night. I had a job at this target-like store. And the uniform was a fishnet onesie with a red leather skirt/sash-dress combo. The manager, who was butt-fuking ugly, threw the outfit at us during orientation and made us put it on right there. Let me describe teh manager. Short, fat, huge ass, lots of make-up, big hair, and high heals along with teh leather and fihnets. She was a horror. And a whore.
Anway, I had a personal problem concerning my jaw. It woudln't open. So I tried sliding it sideways and two of my teeth fell out. I was mortified. And I showed the manager. She told me that if I kept working for her, my teeth would stop falling out. But first she examined teh two teeh in my cupped hands and told me the roots were dead. And all of my teeth woudl fall out similarly.
I hated her, so as teh dream progressed, I got over the fact that my teeth were falling out and centered my thoughts on steeling from my manager.

Horrible dream. That's a nightmare. That's all it is. And it's because I'm only sleeping for four hours at a time. I'll fix that tonight.


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