Friday, November 10, 2006


I mentioned the items usually covered in my blog entries while sorting through the top drawer. “ You know, like what I’m working on, what bugs me, what I think is cool.” Mark watched me going through my sewing supplies. “So, like artsy stuff?” he said. Wow, he just doesn’t get it. Not at all. For him, information about my life which doesn’t make sense goes right into the “artsy” pile.
I found just the needle for the job and found a place on the floor. Here, I began to lay out the pattern for my next project in a long line of costuming projects. Mark was still in my chair, trying to look for the right mouse button on my powerbook. I bet, if presented with the information that I was being held captive by a gang of neomarxist terrorist feminists, he would ask the informant if it was for my TMP class, or that junior level course in photography. He just turned around in his chair to smile at me. His foot hit a section of material, which took the last five minutes to position. He apologized and tried to correct his mistake by pushing the fabric strip around with his toe. I thanked he so he would stop before making thinks worse. He said that I was welcome and swung back around. Thank God. Pulling out my scissors, I began to carfely cut through the dotted lines previously sketched on some cheesecloth while trying to remenber the original positions of all of my pattern pieces. Yeah. Mark doesn’t get it. Good thing he has a good ass.


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