Monday, November 13, 2006

This is a shitty atmostphere I'm in right now. The lights are that one kind...flourescent. And Mark says it's the ventilation system I'm hearing right now. It's a horrible shrill rhythmic squeeky noise accompanied by a loud buzzing humm. And now someone is using teh printers. that sounds great. Shit. Someoen needs to consider the moral of students who end up working in this computer lab for hours at a time. Luckily for me it will only be ten more minutes.

I forgot a lot of stuff at home today. My watch, my chapstick, my kleenex, my glasses. But on teh plus side, I'm wearing a really yellow shirt and carryinga really orange bag. So it could all work out in the end.

Mark is in a rush it seems. He is trucking away at homework and I suppose I am too. But my nose feels wet with snot and I really want a tissue. I need to end this discomfort before it sours my mood. Great, now I have to shit, too.


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