Thursday, November 16, 2006

I'm getting back in touch with an old... guy I dated. We certainly didn't make any committment to each other. Anyway, it was fun and centmental at first when i reminisced about making fun of his crappy facial hair and his dangly arms and his Boston accent and his rediculously toothy smile. I don't know now. I remember being slightly afraid of him because of the way he lacked emotion. It was strange while he acted like he wanted me so badly, but he couldn't make any promises when I asked him about committment. He todl me a story about teh first girl he dated and teh ring he bought her when they'd been togetehr for a month. it put him back a few hundred. And her dad made her brea up with him because he is Jewish. She fought her dad on it, then she "turned into a major slut and slept around while ignoring me," according to Max. That scared me too. I went on one date with him because he asked so nicely. he was charming, overly charming. He brought me chocolates and took me to a love story flick at teh expensive theatre. Then he kissed me. And I didn't want to let it get too far so I held back that night. The next day I told him we shou;dn't date. And then he ignored me while I spoke to him in English class teh next day. he was insane. But i couldn't let it go at that...
Anyway, then he tried to pull me back in a noncommital thing and I gave it a thought, but I was incredibly disswayed. He was just soooo... He said he liked me and he didn't want to hurt me, but he couldn't trust himself to not get carried away with any other girl on a simple whim. So we didn't go any furthor. i stopped it there.
He hurt me. Not because I was crushed when he didn't want me to be his girlfriend. I'm happy without him. His impact on me concerned the entire male popualtion. He explained in really simple terms exactly what I was asking from any guy I ever dated. And he explained how men's heads work. And he made me realize that no guy in a monogamous relationship is getting what he wants.

So I sometimes wonder what kind of torture men I know are victim to. My boyfriend. My boyfriend's roommate. My dad.

And I think about whether or not other women are aware of this and if they care. What does my mom think about it?

I should talk to her.


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