Monday, September 18, 2006

While I was drunk teh othe rnight, a brilliant idea came to me. This idea was the best, the idea to end all brainstorming. I', sure it was good and if I could remember it the morning after, I still would have known the idea was good. But of course I have no idea what I was thinking other than maybe it included animals.
Maybe it didn't.
I was going to make my comic based upon this idea. That I remember. Also I m=remember that I paid Colleen back, all of her 7 dollars when we returned home from the liquor store. I remember that she didn't have pockets and when she gave me the money innitially, it came from her shoe and her bra. Who knows where she put it when she got it back?! Not Colleen.
When I was a sophomore in highschool, I dated a boy who opened my locker on the first try with what he called "The Junior Touch"... I knew it was corny, but still I let him put his junior touch to use. He took me to homecoming, took me to a party, got drunk and promptly forgot the whole evening before he took me home. I was mad.
It seemed there was no reason to have even gone to homecoming with him considering he'd forgotten it. It may as well have not happened. And sine that night, a girl called Becky something has been telling persons of no involvement that "Karen, the little whore, gave her virginity to Mike in his car parked in the garage that night."
The truth is he was too drunk for that to have happened. And I'd already given it to him once on his bed the previous week. It hurt and I bled on his sheets. And Mike's best budy found it.
Thinking it was funny, and not infact a serious embarrassment, Mike recounted the find telling me, "He's like, 'Was Karen a virgin or something? Either that or she was on her period because there is blood all over yoru bed.'"
I love a guy who knows how to make a girl feel special.
If Mike had only gotten me extremely drunk upon asking me out, and kept me that way for the month leading up to our break up, I wouldn't be dwelling on it. Maybe I'd still call myself a virgin.
(Well, not anymore, but you get the idea)


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