Saturday, September 16, 2006

Last night I was offered a very nice compliment. Actually I received a bunch of compliments because I was wearing a pretty dress, but one stood out from the others. It wasn't about my dress and it didn't come from me looking pretty at all. I think it's something people have been trying to tell me for a while and I've just neve realized how flattering it is.
I'm sure Sarah's judgement was not impaired enough to discredit her comment about me being funny. She was drunk, but she was definately honest drunk, not stupid drunk. You know when people get to a certain point far from sober and way too close to their listener? That's where Sarah was. Luckily I was just passing by so she didn't have a chance to say much. But her comment started a conversation. Alex agreed that I am indeed funny, And she went on to say how rare it is for a girl to be as funny as I. So that made me feel good.

I wonder if she's right. Funny women are around. But I don't know of many who have a sense of humor like mine. I can think of loads of times when people have laughed at my comments and admitted that they never would have said it themselves. They never would have thought of it.

It's a bit of a bummer that we don't take the word "comic" to literally when we're talking about comic books. I would have an upper hand.


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