Monday, September 11, 2006

Please allow me to introduce myself. If I had a secretary, he or she could do my introduction. BUt I am just a single college student trying to master independence before I start paying people to work for me. I'm paying attention every day and seeing myself as a parasite in the belly of my parents' bank. Sometimes I'm more of a needy pet, someone you like to have around but hate to clean up after. Maybe they like cleaning up after me.
On the plus side, I'm feeling more and more optomistic of my ability to live without a crutch of friends and family. Or maybe I'm just thinking that I'm part of their crutches every once in a while. We're all much luckier than we feel. At least I am.

Work sucked today. It will probably suck tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that. The silver lining is I don't have work Friday, nor do I have class. But I'm still missing the first lecture of the semester to be at work.

I like the lectures. It's like going to the movies with all the students and faculty of the art school. We're a pretty cool community to get together. Sometimes the lecture is good, sometimes it's not. When you walk out of the theatre with all your class buddies, you have something to talk about.

Ups and downs...


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