Thursday, November 30, 2006

I just registered for classes. Damn that was compliacted. Art students are largely handicapped in that department of figuring out time schedules and computers and course requirements and fitting accademic classes between three hour blocks of art classes. I'm sure everyone has it hard, especially if all teh courses you need are closed because you're a little freshman, but it gets confusing for us in particular because all of our classes are squared away for us until we try to figure out the whole lecture/discussion arrangement. I'll have one of those this semester. So I'll spend three days in the classroom a week learning about the same topic. Still, I have my fridays free. It happened almost accidentally. I think it just works out that way for me. Anyway, that means I can keep working Fridays in teh Union.
There is a problem which won't be fixed within the art and design schedule for W07. There are only two advanced courses offered Monday and Wednesday mornings. I took one already and I have no particular interest in the other. The one I've taken sucks balls. I brush it off because I hate it.

There is some Asian kid playing Nirvana on the piano right now. It's funny because it sounds pretty cheery. And Happy. But we all know Curt Cobain wasn't a happy man.

Maybe he was. I am happy and look what I'm dealing with. Everyone has to deal with stuff. No pitty parties here or there. Then we victims of life will have to pitty those who waste time pittying us.

Spring has come again
We can have some more
Nature is a whore

He has a sign up on a music stand next to him. It's a computer print out that reads "If I am bothering you please let me know! -Franklin"

I should tell him he's killing my back or making me teeth wiggle or something like that, something a piano player accross the room can't do. And I'll see if he stops playing for me. Then I'll have a pitty party. Or He'll have one from the Nirvana fans in the room.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22 NOV 22
Today is November 21. Of this I am sure.
Today is possitively November 20. Oh what a day!
Today is November 19, really it is.
Today is November 17th. I swear.
Hi. this is what I look like now that I'm writing in the new version of blogger. Isn't it soooo much better?!
I really like my friend Rob's answering machine message. When Rob doesn't answer the phone, his recorded voice sounds a premade message saying, "Hello. In a moment you'll be talking to a machine. Won't you feel silly."
So here I am writing a letter to a machine. Since I started this blog I have felt pretty silly about the whole thing. It's silly. I haven't invited any viewers so I really am talking to a machine. And my professor is checking up on my progress but only looking at the dates of my updates in doing so. Maybe my next post should just be the date to make it more obvious. My only audience is a date reader and a machine.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

I am so sick of family. EVery time I get together with family,. I've forgotten how horrible it is living with the same limitted number of people in the same limitted space. It's driving me crazy. And the getaway is near, but it's now being put off by a search for a bed. Fucking A. I want to get the hell out of here. And I want to stop thinking baout these people. And I want to get my own shit done. I want to get back to my life. Fuck these people.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Just a few words so I don't forget theimportant things I didn't know until someone told me today

Pee in laundry
Belts in bed
free subway

Ok, maybe I should elaborate.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

I'm getting back in touch with an old... guy I dated. We certainly didn't make any committment to each other. Anyway, it was fun and centmental at first when i reminisced about making fun of his crappy facial hair and his dangly arms and his Boston accent and his rediculously toothy smile. I don't know now. I remember being slightly afraid of him because of the way he lacked emotion. It was strange while he acted like he wanted me so badly, but he couldn't make any promises when I asked him about committment. He todl me a story about teh first girl he dated and teh ring he bought her when they'd been togetehr for a month. it put him back a few hundred. And her dad made her brea up with him because he is Jewish. She fought her dad on it, then she "turned into a major slut and slept around while ignoring me," according to Max. That scared me too. I went on one date with him because he asked so nicely. he was charming, overly charming. He brought me chocolates and took me to a love story flick at teh expensive theatre. Then he kissed me. And I didn't want to let it get too far so I held back that night. The next day I told him we shou;dn't date. And then he ignored me while I spoke to him in English class teh next day. he was insane. But i couldn't let it go at that...
Anyway, then he tried to pull me back in a noncommital thing and I gave it a thought, but I was incredibly disswayed. He was just soooo... He said he liked me and he didn't want to hurt me, but he couldn't trust himself to not get carried away with any other girl on a simple whim. So we didn't go any furthor. i stopped it there.
He hurt me. Not because I was crushed when he didn't want me to be his girlfriend. I'm happy without him. His impact on me concerned the entire male popualtion. He explained in really simple terms exactly what I was asking from any guy I ever dated. And he explained how men's heads work. And he made me realize that no guy in a monogamous relationship is getting what he wants.

So I sometimes wonder what kind of torture men I know are victim to. My boyfriend. My boyfriend's roommate. My dad.

And I think about whether or not other women are aware of this and if they care. What does my mom think about it?

I should talk to her.

Monday, November 13, 2006

This is a shitty atmostphere I'm in right now. The lights are that one kind...flourescent. And Mark says it's the ventilation system I'm hearing right now. It's a horrible shrill rhythmic squeeky noise accompanied by a loud buzzing humm. And now someone is using teh printers. that sounds great. Shit. Someoen needs to consider the moral of students who end up working in this computer lab for hours at a time. Luckily for me it will only be ten more minutes.

I forgot a lot of stuff at home today. My watch, my chapstick, my kleenex, my glasses. But on teh plus side, I'm wearing a really yellow shirt and carryinga really orange bag. So it could all work out in the end.

Mark is in a rush it seems. He is trucking away at homework and I suppose I am too. But my nose feels wet with snot and I really want a tissue. I need to end this discomfort before it sours my mood. Great, now I have to shit, too.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Mark and I are trying out the My place thing tonight. It's a first in this place. It used to always be my place. Appart from a few seldom times when Mark fell asleep in his room so I knocked until he woke up and then climbed into his bunk bed with him. I've been a little sour about the lack of my place this year. But I need to remember there is are highs and lows to every situation. Now that I'm sitting here waiting for him, I remember how much it sucked just waiting for him every night. And I'd call him to see when he was coming. And I'd get online to tell him I'm home and he shoud; be here too.

I don't know when he'll come, but it's past my bedtime and I can't go to sleep without him. He's become a sort of teddy bear. My pet monster fills in for him when I'm by my lonesome, but he always falls on teh ground at some point in teh night, unlike the large guy I can't move an inch without his allowance.

I mentioned the items usually covered in my blog entries while sorting through the top drawer. “ You know, like what I’m working on, what bugs me, what I think is cool.” Mark watched me going through my sewing supplies. “So, like artsy stuff?” he said. Wow, he just doesn’t get it. Not at all. For him, information about my life which doesn’t make sense goes right into the “artsy” pile.
I found just the needle for the job and found a place on the floor. Here, I began to lay out the pattern for my next project in a long line of costuming projects. Mark was still in my chair, trying to look for the right mouse button on my powerbook. I bet, if presented with the information that I was being held captive by a gang of neomarxist terrorist feminists, he would ask the informant if it was for my TMP class, or that junior level course in photography. He just turned around in his chair to smile at me. His foot hit a section of material, which took the last five minutes to position. He apologized and tried to correct his mistake by pushing the fabric strip around with his toe. I thanked he so he would stop before making thinks worse. He said that I was welcome and swung back around. Thank God. Pulling out my scissors, I began to carfely cut through the dotted lines previously sketched on some cheesecloth while trying to remenber the original positions of all of my pattern pieces. Yeah. Mark doesn’t get it. Good thing he has a good ass.
hello. I am getting so much done today. the internet can't keep up with me. I tried multitasking by bringing candy and my computer into teh bathroom while I made a dump. I mean that's a lot to do at once. poop, blog, eat. But the blogging was much slower than my pooping. So Now I'm in my room and at my desk. And I'm not multitasking.
Tomorrow after work I will buy a combination lock for my roommate, a sweatshirt for Ann, and two t-shirts for my mom. I walked by Steve and Barry's today and I was blown away by the amount of stupid crap they have for sale. It's fucking rediculous. they have two kinds of mini Michigan plastic pom poms in teh front window display. I don't know about all this team apparel and stuff. Even when I see someone wearing a simple Michigan sweater that looks fresh from the store and all spirted with maize and blue and embroidery, I can't help but think...eww yuppie. I'ma little worried now. I bought a sweatshirt for michale that was purposely not maize and blue but it still says Michigan. It looks much cooler than teh other sweatshirts. But he's like 32 or something and he probably wants to be a rediculously over spirited old person rooting for his hoe team. Whatever. he asked for a Michigan sweater. And it says Michigan. And it shou;d be comfy. I also got an extra large instead of large becaus eteh large looked too small. I don't want it to be tight on him. HMMMMMM.

I have to do things now.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Today I will finish my comic between classes. Then I will go to Angel Hall directly after class to print out 25 copies of my comic. Then I will go to dinner. Then I will complete my dinner clean. Then I will tincken with my computer until the house meeting. Then meeting, then bed. Then then then then there will be many more things to do in the morning.

As far as finishing my comic goes, I'll need to erase some pencil lines, erase some text messes, try to fix a wash spotch, thicken the line around the thought bubbles on the last page, and scan it all.

Printing is free for the first 400 black and white pages in angel hall, so that's my destination. And it will be fast, Angie said so.

All my art supplies are at Mark's place. All but my eraser, so I have to stop at Mark's and get it all, then go to my place. I like Mark. But because of Mark, I've been having only 4.5 hours of sleep at a time for the last two days.

I had a horrible dream last night. I had a job at this target-like store. And the uniform was a fishnet onesie with a red leather skirt/sash-dress combo. The manager, who was butt-fuking ugly, threw the outfit at us during orientation and made us put it on right there. Let me describe teh manager. Short, fat, huge ass, lots of make-up, big hair, and high heals along with teh leather and fihnets. She was a horror. And a whore.
Anway, I had a personal problem concerning my jaw. It woudln't open. So I tried sliding it sideways and two of my teeth fell out. I was mortified. And I showed the manager. She told me that if I kept working for her, my teeth would stop falling out. But first she examined teh two teeh in my cupped hands and told me the roots were dead. And all of my teeth woudl fall out similarly.
I hated her, so as teh dream progressed, I got over the fact that my teeth were falling out and centered my thoughts on steeling from my manager.

Horrible dream. That's a nightmare. That's all it is. And it's because I'm only sleeping for four hours at a time. I'll fix that tonight.
I fall asleep a lot. So shoot me. I can't help it. If it's interesting or not, there is no avoiding sleep in a comfy chair in a warm room with the lights low. If the same thing happens for a long time while I sit, I will sleep. That's why I appreciated my first hour ceramics course in high school. I woke up at six something and stood around playing with cold mushy stuff for two hours before I had to sit down in my accademic classes. Nothing like sculpting cold mud while listening to def jams and avoiding teh stool to wake me up. The problem came when I had eaten lunch and moved to my history class. Food coma+lecture=nap.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Mark is not here. he's somewhere with his phoen turned off. And he's not here. He's somewhere else and certainly not here. ANd I'm afraid his housemate and his girlfriend will have sex. Actually, it sounds quiet over there so I'm fairly confident they skipped that tonight. Anyway, I'm trying to get past that fear. I get really squeemish about other people I know having sex, these two in particular, but I have loud sex which they overhear frequently. Carrie says I need to accept that people can be hipocritical, but I think that's too easy. If I'm aware of my hipocricy, it's my duty to at least try to correct the inconsistency.
Anyway, I'm high and tired and clean from my midnight shower and I want o go to sleep. But instead I'm sitting up like a worried mother, paranoid not only about the whereabouts of her loved one, but also paranoid about the teenagers next door and their sexual experimentation.
I'm still excited about my spider charming girl. I might call her Tuesday. The problem with that as a title is that it implies Tuesday as one significant day in teh story, but Tuesday means nothing as far at time goes. And I want teh girl's name to be teh title of the comic. Like ... those other things.

Maybe she can be apple. I wonder how spiders feel about Apples. I like that vein though. Some sort of flower or fruit name might work.

It's after 1:00 and mark is still MIA. Oh where oh where can my baby be? The school took him away from me. He's in doing homework in the Duderstat so I won't see my baby untill he comes back.

I think I shoud; have a small sketchbook. A pocket-sized almost. And with that I may doodle and write and sketch and figure things out. So when I approach large assignments I will have practice done and I'll be prepared for whatever I want to do. I want to go to bed. I'll do that. After I try his cell phone one more time.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

I have to go back to work pretty soon. This breaks come and go so quickly. but I want to get out an idea for my next comic. The main character is a girl who is cute and pretty when she's 12, but as she goes through puberty, instead of developing breasts, she develops a bunch of extra npples. that's what she thinks they are. a nd she's really embarrassed by them. Then the nipples grow into stick-like appendages. And she gains mobility in them, but refuses to move them at all. She hates them. And then she hates people because she can't relate to them any longer. So she runs from home and takes shelter in a cave. It turns out that teh cave is infested with spiders. but they are not threatened by her because she doesn't want to move at all. And she doesn't mind them because she feels closer to eight-legged creatures then bipeds. While in teh cave, se becomes so dirty that bugs begin to live on her skin, in her hair, etc. The spiders then come to her body and feast off the bugs which had been irritating her. They develop a simbiotic relationship with this girl, keeping her warm by weaving thick webs around her body and taking shelter in her many apendages. Then she begins to travel. Very slowely. It doesn't look like she's walking, but somehow being pushed along all the same. the spiders stay with her and together, they travel through communities very slowely. When people see her coming with her brigade of spiders, they run. Some try to attack her before she travels into town, but the spiders protect her, killing people if they need to. Most people just stay indoors and seal off their houses, afraid of venemous spiders infiltrating their lives.

So she's going to look totally nasty now...her hair is growing long into a thick train of webbing. And her body is obscured by white mesh and thousands of scurrying spiders. Some of teh spiders are incredibly deathly, but they don't hurt the girl. She becomes a bad luck charm which travels uncontrolably. People site her and report her direction on the news the way reporters track hurricanes. "In a week, the spider charmer will be in DC. Residents should evacuate or seal off their doors and windows as soon as possible."

Anyway, her weakness is that she moves slowely. So in teh end, people construct a large attack method with will come at her quickly with some sort of deathly weapon. She will know it's coming, but she won't move faster, and her spiders won't be ready. But as soon as she is killed, I think by a blade, the spiders reak havok and it ends in tradgedy.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Hi hi hi hi hi hi.
I just did a "lesson" on sexual harassment in the work place. It was really educatiobal. I clicked on buttons and listened and read text. And I got 100% on teh quiz at the end. And I got paid to do it. I thought maybe I shou;d take my time, but it seemed silly because I woud; rather just get it over with. There are ten other things I'd rather do, and that includes stocking the school supplies, hanging graduate gowns, and attending the register. hell, I'll even help frustrated students find illusive textbooks. But that video clicky lesson thing was boring.

Over spring break I'm going to be with mark in Colorado. And Ann And Michael will meet him. And I'll see a lot of my newest nephew. And cool. he was pestery today, but I was pestery yesterday so I guess that's just fine. his parents are in town today so I might get a free lunch out of them. whoo hoo. i should call him.

40-45 dead dogs were found piled up in teh detroit animal pound. It's in teh news. It made me fucking sad.