Sunday, December 10, 2006

Mark and I did a big thing for our anniversary and it's not over yet. Tonight we were planning on watching a porn movie we bougth online. But it wasn't delivered in time. Luckily we had more in the making than someone else fucking. I'm making a simple dinner to be eaten with champagne. Actually I suppose it's sparkling white whine, but whatever. WTF. I don't get it. I was in the grocery store with Claire looking at them and asking, what is this one? And she'd say, "It's sparkling white whine. that's why the label says 'sparkling white whine'." I still didn't get it somehow. I asked what teh difference was and she said... something about teh grapes the use to make it. We had a boisemberry whine Friday with dinner. Luckily we weren't carded. Taht wou;d have been embarrassing for everyone, including the waitor and his tip would have suffered. In a fancy restaurant, I guess they know better than to ask. We're paying for it, so give us a break. Mark's birthday is soon anyway. And then we can go to bars together and be all like, "we've been dating for more thana year and now we're in teh Heidelburg. Sweet."


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