Thursday, November 30, 2006

I just registered for classes. Damn that was compliacted. Art students are largely handicapped in that department of figuring out time schedules and computers and course requirements and fitting accademic classes between three hour blocks of art classes. I'm sure everyone has it hard, especially if all teh courses you need are closed because you're a little freshman, but it gets confusing for us in particular because all of our classes are squared away for us until we try to figure out the whole lecture/discussion arrangement. I'll have one of those this semester. So I'll spend three days in the classroom a week learning about the same topic. Still, I have my fridays free. It happened almost accidentally. I think it just works out that way for me. Anyway, that means I can keep working Fridays in teh Union.
There is a problem which won't be fixed within the art and design schedule for W07. There are only two advanced courses offered Monday and Wednesday mornings. I took one already and I have no particular interest in the other. The one I've taken sucks balls. I brush it off because I hate it.

There is some Asian kid playing Nirvana on the piano right now. It's funny because it sounds pretty cheery. And Happy. But we all know Curt Cobain wasn't a happy man.

Maybe he was. I am happy and look what I'm dealing with. Everyone has to deal with stuff. No pitty parties here or there. Then we victims of life will have to pitty those who waste time pittying us.

Spring has come again
We can have some more
Nature is a whore

He has a sign up on a music stand next to him. It's a computer print out that reads "If I am bothering you please let me know! -Franklin"

I should tell him he's killing my back or making me teeth wiggle or something like that, something a piano player accross the room can't do. And I'll see if he stops playing for me. Then I'll have a pitty party. Or He'll have one from the Nirvana fans in the room.


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