Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Holy moley. I thought of something inteligent and profound which I thought I wanted to write about, but after confronting this computer here in front of me now, I feel that the moment of epiphany has passed. I remember vaguely what got me so excited.

I'm here with family and though I'm misreable and feeling sorry for myself in teh situation, I've become more aware than ever of all teh baggage that comes with a family in its entirety. I watched Garden State today and I'm sure it alone is not a tenth of my inspiration. But teh film had a similar message concerning family. Every family is ucked up. How can a family possibly not be? We can compare family to family, but that's apples to oranges. Family histories are so complicated and tricky, uncomfortable yet safe, overwhelming and dramatic because they are the absolute essence of the people in them. Social friendship circles contain only a fraction of the people in them. The rest is presentation. But a family has no buffered edges of chosen words. Not in a family as close as mine, at least.

It's hard to be someone you're not. Yet my friends have always seen a different version of me. I update myself for them and carry on in a specific manor in their company. But my family has no time frame with which to know me. They know me all of me. They know every vesrion of me, every side of me, every eddition of me. I have certain expectations of those who knows me so well.

And they have expectations of me also. They want me to know and remember their life and think as they do to understand their situation. They want everyone else in teh family to be aware of their emotional situation. It's hard to keep track of. In order to be so attentive, one would have to constantly have every person in the highest priority. But there is only one place for the highest priority. It can be only one person. Usually it is the owner of the brain who consumes most of it's attention.

So... I think I've made the family situation clear. In short...........

I miss Mark because he pays attention to me and he licks my pussy and he makes me feel so sprecial.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Mark and I did a big thing for our anniversary and it's not over yet. Tonight we were planning on watching a porn movie we bougth online. But it wasn't delivered in time. Luckily we had more in the making than someone else fucking. I'm making a simple dinner to be eaten with champagne. Actually I suppose it's sparkling white whine, but whatever. WTF. I don't get it. I was in the grocery store with Claire looking at them and asking, what is this one? And she'd say, "It's sparkling white whine. that's why the label says 'sparkling white whine'." I still didn't get it somehow. I asked what teh difference was and she said... something about teh grapes the use to make it. We had a boisemberry whine Friday with dinner. Luckily we weren't carded. Taht wou;d have been embarrassing for everyone, including the waitor and his tip would have suffered. In a fancy restaurant, I guess they know better than to ask. We're paying for it, so give us a break. Mark's birthday is soon anyway. And then we can go to bars together and be all like, "we've been dating for more thana year and now we're in teh Heidelburg. Sweet."

Friday, December 08, 2006

My account is merged with my gmail account. so now i have to sign in twice. i can't find any way around it. it's annoying. but i don't have to come back to this website ever again after this class.
I'm at work now om break. i found out we sell raisinets today so i got excited and bought some
i also got teddy grahms and bawls. i wonder if this energy drink will make me weird.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Ok, SO I slept in. Soon I won't have tow rite on this blog. And I won't have to be all... you know. Blogger.

I'm not into this. And I never was. Boo hoo.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

uh hullo.
i'm eating a bagel. hold on.
I have class in five minutes. But it will probably be ok if I'm late. I haven't missed a class all semester. I've probably been late at least once, but i can't think of when. I take long breaks upon occasion, stretching ten minutes to a time frame more suitable for my needs. My finger tips are all really sore right now and I have noo idea why, but typing is really not fun. So end blog.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

You're lucky if you find the laundry room open. Here, there are many people who have fdirrty clothes. And teh only way to rectify these people's problem is to use the washer. It's a very good one which also contributes to the high demand of it's abilities. I found an opportunity to use it tonight and while avoiding my homeowrk, I said out loud in teh company of one man, "What time is it? a little after ten...hmm. I have time to do laundry tonight." Two minutes later I arrived in teh laundry room with a sack of dirty clothes only to find the man I just mentioned already loading the machine with his own nasty dressing pieces. I have no clue how often he actually does his laundry, but I think he could have put it off for a littkle while longer. I beat him with my laundry bag and stormed out.

His defense was, "I didn't think you were going to do it right then."
That is strange, with a probablitity of 8675309 to 1 against. I just watched The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy and it ended with a great song called "So long and thanks for all the fish." As this song was playing, i was logging in to blogger. And as the singer repeated "so long so long so long so long, so long so long so long so long, so long so long and thanks for all the fish!" the blogger page loaded with the title "So long and thanks for all the blogs."
I think it has something to do with this gmail conversion.